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来源:http://www.sdzzfs.com/ 日期:2019-11-01

  校服是反映时代的经济水平,主流精神和美学的镜子。 学生服作为一种服装,不仅具有服装的全部内涵,而且反映了这个时代的教育理念,体现了学校的文化特色和办学理念。
  School uniform is a mirror reflecting the economic level, mainstream spirit and aesthetics of the times As a kind of clothing, student clothing not only has the full connotation of clothing, but also reflects the educational concept of this era, and embodies the cultural characteristics and school running concept of the school.
  作为校园文化的重要载体之一,校服通过其形象对特定的校园文化进行直观的诠释。 校园文化是学校教展的灵魂,也是学校精神的集中体现。 校园文化建设可以提高学校的文化品位,提高学校的核心竞争力。 校服通过直观,生动,清晰的形式诠释校园文化。 校服还将营造良好的校园氛围,并提高学校的知名度和社会形象。
  As one of the important carriers of campus culture, school uniform directly interprets the specific campus culture through its image Campus culture is not only the soul of the development of school education, but also the concentrated embodiment of school spirit The construction of campus culture can improve the cultural taste and the core competitiveness of the school School uniform interprets campus culture in an intuitive, vivid and clear form Uniforms will also create a good campus atmosphere and improve the visibility and social image of the school.
   对于学生制服本身。 如今的校服有些保守且过时,无法展现高中生的生命力。 校服的质量相对较差。 在调查中,我们发现校服主要以化纤为原料。 该材料易燃易碎,对人体有一定危害。
  For the student uniform itself Today's uniforms are conservative and outdated, unable to show the vitality of high school students The quality of school uniform is relatively poor In the investigation, we found that the uniforms are mainly made of chemical fiber The material is inflammable and fragile, which is harmful to human body.

  学生制服的设计过于宽松且太大,给人以拖放感。 校服的颜色也有些单一。 它们中的大多数主要是深蓝色,深蓝色和深绿色。 它们戴在身上给人以乡村的感觉。 另外,学生活动很多,因此对校服的质量,透气性和吸水率有更高的要求。 但是,学生制服的这些方面还不够。 我们怎么会喜欢这样的制服?
  The design of the student uniform is too loose and large, giving people a sense of drag and drop The color of the school uniform is also a little single Most of them are mainly dark blue, dark blue and dark green They are worn to give a country feel In addition, students have a lot of activities, so they have higher requirements on the quality, air permeability and water absorption of school uniforms However, these aspects of student uniforms are not comprehensive enough How can we like such a uniform?




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