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来源:http://www.sdzzfs.com/ 日期:2018-11-05

What should I do if my kindergarten clothes are moldy?
1. The woolen kindergarten clothes show mildew spots. First, put the clothes in the sun for several hours. After drying, brush the mildew spots off quietly with a brush. If it is caused by oil stains and sweat stains, it can be washed repeatedly with a soft brush dipped in some gasoline where there are mildew spots, and then wiped repeatedly with a clean towel, and then dried in a ventilated place.
(2) Silk clothes have mildew spots. First, soak silk on the water top and wash it with a brush. If there are many mildew spots and they are very heavy, you can apply 5% alcohol solution to the mildew spots locally and scrub them repeatedly several times, then you can quickly remove the mildew spots.
(3) Mildew stains on chemical fiber clothes can be washed with brush dipped in some concentrated soapy water, and then washed with warm water once again, the mildew stains can be removed!
Various types of clothing storage methods:
(1) Cotton and hemp garments for kindergartens and kindergartens: clothes should be washed, dried and folded when they are stored. Wardrobes, cabinets and polyethylene bags should be kept clean and dry to avoid mildew. White clothing and dark clothing are best separated when stored, so as to avoid staining or yellowing.

②呢绒校服:呢绒校服或者别的呢绒衣服穿戴一段时间后,要暴晒敲打,去除尘埃。不穿时放在枯燥处。宜悬挂寄存,且将织物不和外翻,以防褪色风化,呈现风印。寄存前,应刷清或洗净、烫平、晒干,通风晾放。 避免变形而影响外观。在寄存全毛或混纺服装时,要将樟脑丸用薄纸包好,放在衣服口袋里或衣橱、箱子内。毛绒服装宜与其它服装离隔寄存,避免掉绒掉毛,沾污其他服装。
Second, woolen school uniform: after wearing woolen school uniform or other woolen clothes for a period of time, they should be exposed to the sun and beaten to remove dust. Put it in a dry place when you don't wear it. It is advisable to hang and store the fabric against eversion so as to prevent fading and weathering. Before storage, it should be cleaned or washed, ironed, dried and ventilated for one day. Avoid distortion and affect appearance. When storing all wool or blended garments, camphor balls should be wrapped in thin paper and put in pockets, wardrobes and boxes. Plush clothing should be kept away from other garments, so as to avoid falling out of hair and contamination of other garments.
(3) Children's chemical clothing: synthetic clothing should be laid flat, not long-term hanging, to avoid stretching due to draping. A few camphor balls or insecticides can be put into the garments of blended fabrics containing natural fibers, but do not contact them. For the garments of synthetic fibers such as polyester and nylon, camphor balls and sanitary balls are not needed, so as to avoid the harmful effects of Dinaphthol on garments and fabrics.
(4) how to keep the silk fabrics after washing?
Silk is a kind of protein fiber with strong hygroscopicity. When it is stored, the clothes should be washed first and ironed once, which can sterilize and kill insects. Silk clothes are thin, soft and pressure-resistant. They can be placed on top of the pile. Light-colored silk clothes are best stored in fine white cloth bags to prevent wind stains and yellow stains. It is not appropriate to put hygienic balls in silk garments, otherwise the white will be yellowed.
The above information is customized by Jinan Kindergarten uniform. I hope the above information can help you. Our website is http://www.sdzzfs.com. Thank you for your support.



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