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来源:http://www.sdzzfs.com/ 日期:2022-03-26

1、 Simplification
单纯化是要求表现中尽可能使用少而精的色彩语言,单纯化不只是色彩设计的一种组织方式,更是一种思维的方式,符合人们的知觉特征。为了便于认知与记忆,人的知觉有将视觉对象简化的本领,即把物像主要的特征保留下来。单纯的形象与现代设计的大潮流一致,具有时代感。单纯不同于简单,是对对象本质特征的高度概括,即在中学校服配色中选取能代表意象的颜色。中学校服有时只用一两个色,却依然于简洁中透出充实之感,通过丰富的表现技巧,使整体相互 。
Simplification is to use as few and precise color language as possible in performance. Simplification is not only an organization way of color design, but also a way of thinking, which is in line with people's perceptual characteristics. In order to facilitate cognition and memory, human perception has the ability to simplify visual objects, that is, to retain the main features of objects and images. The simple image is consistent with the general trend of modern design and has a sense of the times. Simplicity is different from simplicity. It is a high generalization of the essential characteristics of the object, that is, select the color that can represent the image in the color matching of middle school uniforms. The school uniform is still enriched by one or two skills, but sometimes it is still enriched by one or two.
2、 Multi tone
多色组合是中学校服设计中经常使用的配色类型,除了用于色彩搭配外,更多的是用于面料纹样设计。多色组合是以多样化、丰富性为中 心,调和的关键是寻求统一要素。单从色相关系来讲,多色调和有两种方法:其一是集中色相,即选择色相关系相近的色,有共同色彩成分的进行组合;其二是秩序调和,即选择那些有某些秩序关系的色作为配色。凡是在补色色相环中被一个规则几何所连结的一组色彩都是调和的。如果在色立体中自由转动这些几何形,还可以找到无数个调和色组。在色相不变的情况下,还可以使用下列技巧构建调和关系。
Multicolor combination is a color matching type often used in middle school uniform design. In addition to color matching, it is more used in fabric pattern design. Multicolor combination is centered on diversity and richness, and the key to harmony is to seek unified elements. In terms of hue relationship alone, there are two methods for multi tone and: one is to concentrate hue, that is, select colors with similar hue relationship and combine those with common color components; The second is order harmony, that is, choose those colors with some order relationship as color matching. Any set of colors connected by a regular geometry in the complementary hue ring is harmonious. If you rotate these geometries freely in the color space, you can also find countless harmonic color groups. In the case of constant hue, you can also use the following techniques to build a harmonious relationship.

1. Brightness, purity and harmony. Change the lightness and purity of colors to make them the same and similar and produce a sense of harmony.
2. Gradient harmony. Add transition colors between colors to form the internal relationship of colors.
3. Area harmony. When using color matching with very high purity, you can use area unified adjustment to obtain harmony.
4. Use to adjust the color. Use black, white, gray and other colors with strong adjustment power to alleviate the contradiction of color.
3、 Repeat color
The same method is used repeatedly to unify colors. The overall echo requires the color matching to take care of each other, rather than each appearing in isolation. Color reuse is the basic means to build the overall effect of color matching. When the primary and secondary colors of school uniform design are determined, selecting one or several colors for planned reuse can not only echo the color matching as a whole, but also create a sense of rhythm and enhance the richness of the whole. This color matching skill can make the work of middle school uniform color design more organized and efficient. In order to enhance the unity of color matching, the main color should be selected as the repeating color. If you want to activate the atmosphere, you can use the secondary color to repeat, and multiple colors can be used at the same time. In multi-color matching, in order to strengthen the overall comprehensive strength, one or two colors are used as repeated colors. On the contrary, using multiple repeated colors in simple color matching can increase the richness of color matching in simplicity.
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