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来源:http://www.sdzzfs.com/ 日期:2022-04-06

Because children's clothes are lively and active, and there is no awareness of protecting clothes, the fabric of kindergarten clothes should be strong, durable and not easy to damage. At the same time, the comfort of the fabric should also be considered.
In general, the color matching of kindergarten clothes can be divided into two categories: one is coordinated color matching, and the other is contrast color matching. The beauty of clothing does not depend on the price, but mainly on the consistency of the whole body tone to achieve a harmonious overall effect. "If there are not many colors, harmony is beauty". The correct color matching method should be to select one or two series of colors, which should be the main color tone, occupy a large area of clothing, supplemented by a small amount of other colors, as contrast, foil or decorate the decorative parts, so as to achieve a diversified and unified harmonious effect.
There are embellishment patterns that sell sprouts. This yellow is not particularly bright, but the tender yellow of young trees that have just sprouted. Wearing such a suit, it is very important to choose the same light green to match the fashionable kindergarten clothes. The simple way is to buy a set of such small clothes, so as not to bother to find such a suit. Only when the background color is the same, the above design and color will look more beautiful.
而幼儿园的老师,穿衣不仅要体面,还要展现个性,也许在很多人的眼里,个性过分追求新奇和时尚,不论社会规范,但这里的个性指的是积极而有力的气质精神。 邻童园服幼儿园教师服穿衣打扮技巧:
Kindergarten teachers should not only dress decently, but also show their personality. Perhaps in the eyes of many people, personality excessively pursues novelty and fashion, regardless of social norms, but here personality refers to positive and powerful temperament and spirit. Dressing skills of kindergarten teachers in neighboring children's kindergarten:

The teacher should wear flat shoes. Because there are many places in the kindergarten. At the same time, the sound of high heels will affect children's activities and easily attract children's attention. You should wear pants, because sometimes when you communicate with your child, you need to kneel down when helping your child. It's inconvenient to wear a skirt. You can't make up. This will affect your child's aesthetics and try natural makeup or light makeup.
Kindergarten uniforms directly convey a person's moral cultivation, literary cultivation and civilization. The kindergarten is very enthusiastic. Teachers need to be generous on campus, which reflects the temperament of kindergarten teachers. They must make a good impression on students.
In addition, it should be noted that there is no need to replace the conventional model. In addition, it should be noted that there is no need to replace the conventional model.
The above is a detailed introduction to the customized kindergarten clothes in Jinan. I hope it will be helpful to you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service http://www.sdzzfs.com



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